Remote Delivery of Training
Due to the travel and assembly restrictions related to COVID-19, the Dallaire Initiative has come up with a creative approach to our international training. Fortunately, Rwanda already has a robust cadre of Dallaire Initiative trained facilitators on whom we can lean to deliver our training. As this highly skilled and motivated cadre was eager to get started, we only needed to find a way to reinforce and enable their efforts logistically so they could deliver our training packages from start to finish.
Our approach was to leverage technological tools in order to share the most up to date curriculum, briefing packages, and course content with our cadre of Rwandan facilitators. Concurrently, Dallaire Initiative trainers will conduct a series of live, virtual training sessions on what we call ‘Lead Facilitator Training’. This training is not meant to cover the content — as these instructors are already experienced and knowledgeable – but instead the administrative and logistical aspects of running the training, which is normally handled by Dallaire Initiative country office personnel.
We are planning to get these virtual trainings up and running in June 2020.
Rwanda Pre-Deployment and Refresher Trainings - February 2020
Before the office closure in Rwanda due to COVID-19, the team held a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) from February 10-14, 2020 at the Rwanda Military Academy (RMA) in Gako, Rwanda for the 157 Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) Infantry Battalion deploying to the peacekeeping mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). A Refresher Training was also held from February 6-7, also at RMA Gako. The training was structured with four companies rotating on a two-day training basis in two camps, while a senior class of officers was trained for four days. Officers were given a condensed Dallaire Initiative Basic Course. The training was a mixture of classroom lectures, group/syndicate discussions and tactical scenario interaction exercises, followed by a collective final day of Field Training Exercise (FTX).