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A telecollaborative Project Between iEARN-Canada & iEARN-Sierra Leone


Our writings section features stories addressing the issue of ChildSoldiers written by youth in Sierra Leone

In Praise of Kamajor Child Soldiers

by Rashid Peters and Andrew Greene of iEARN Sierra Leone

The child soldiers disappear

Within a twinkle of an eye they reappear

To give the enemy a regretful sigh

Or to make them cry or die

They hold sticks

To make the bullets of the enemy weak

Magical sticks controlling cartridges from these war men

The hunters winning of the battle

Has long being an omen

Their native costumes country cloths are gun-proofs

Gun shots fired at them are merely shaken-off as a proof

To show how great and mighty are the local hunters troop

Post initiation test miraculous

To make the enemy's bullet seem ridiculous

Like waste of cartridges on tested initiates

Or the splashing of water on a dock's back

There are no military skills they lack

The Kamajor child soldiers in Sierra Leone cannot wait

To put to rest the rebel enemies they hate

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