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War Has Changed
Therefore our tactics must change too. The Romeo Dallaire Child Soldier Initiative aims to work with militaries, police, policy makers, academics and humanitarians to make a long-term impact in preventing the recruitment and use of child soldiers.
Building Connections Across Canada
The Dallaire Initiative facilitated five participatory workshops with community stakeholders, at-risk youth, front line police officers and senior officers. Along with the Toronto workshops, the Dallaire Initiative found a high need for better police-community relations and engagement, and more effective and efficient tools to assist police in intervening with at-risk youth.
Three workshops were held with at-risk youth from different community organizations to gather their perspectives on radicalisation and interactions with police. This resulted in an in-depth awareness of youth issues across Toronto which are contributing directly to the creation of tools for police to use in preventing and intervening youth radicalising to violence.
The Dallaire Initiative is excited to be working with the Centre for the Prevention of Radicalisation Leading to Violence (CPRLV), which is mandated to work with the Montreal Police Services on this topic. We will be working together on jointly creating and implementing tools for police to use in Montreal.

Case Study: Knowledge Synthesis
To ensure that a rigourous academic basis informs this project, the Dallaire Intiaitive undertook a comprehensive literature survey and knowledge synthesis on youth radicalisation into extreme violence. Whether disenfranchised youth are gravitating towards right wing extremist groups, gangs, or emergent forieng fighter groups, police are often at the frontlines when it comes to oppertunities for prevention or intervention of such radicalisation. Understanding how children and youth are used within these various groups as insturments of violence, will better inform polcie and community members in how to best engage with and respond to the issue of violent radicalisation.
The following recommendations were developed from the knowledge synthesis:
- Build networks in the community
- Equip other front-line workers for recognizing and responding to youth who might be radicalised.
- Challenge racist meanings bestowed on radicalization language.
- Create opportunities for marginalised youth to positively engage with police and community.
- Support collaborative research projects that contribute to evidence-based responses to radicalization.

Case Study: Preventing Violence App
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